玩運彩-[#球迷新聞] 夏維耶(陳昌源)宣佈不代表中華隊出賽東亞盃 – 重點節錄

[#球迷消息] 夏維耶(陳昌源)宣佈不代表中華隊出賽東亞盃 – 重點選錄夏維耶(陳昌源)於昨晚10點於小我私家粉絲頁發佈聲明,
3.任何工作在為了渡過低谷時必經更多陣痛。 -應當意指世界排名188名
11.與現任國度隊的隊友成員的配合方針 : 構成一支更有競爭力的國度隊。
12.接上去除了代表中華隊出賽,他但願為台灣足球一路積極奉獻 :
– 協同與無關單元,包含體育行政相關機關溝通。
– 幫忙探求援助商的支撐。
我信賴,足球是個充斥魔力的活動 -中華隊有本領可以擊敗任何的敵手
– 將會有滿場的球迷為場上每一名球員叫好


給我一切的同夥 by Xavier Chen英文原文Tonight, I report to my friends and to the fans that I took my decision to miss this EAFF Tournament, and I’ve informed football association so. It was a long, dull wait for a whole month, I realized I have to help football here making somereal changes: Buil韻采好朋友ding a strong system that attracts quality overseas to represent Taiwan. All things are difficult before they are easy, from small beginnings comes great things, let’s do it together.
Three years ago, I was invited to Taiwan team and convinced /told this will be a team full of great potential, modern tactics and more players recruited overseas. With improving records, we might evoke people’s passion to football and also football’s development. Because of restrictions in time and regulations, I knew my chance was slim, especially when I learned CTFA’s applications failed several times. Fortunately, many friends from me日職 即時比分dia, legislators and even the central government provided timely assistances, which illustrate the incredible effectiveness outside the CTFA. Finally, I was approved to play by FIFA. It was an unforgettable night (Malaysia game) for me in my life.

The former CTFA President Lu personally signed Memorandum of Understanding with me in 2011. The MOU content is simple but prof台湾彩券ound in meaning: establish a cooperation mode to attract best Taiwanese players. At that time, I didn’t even think the MOU is necessary. However, several coordinators still insisted the signing of MOU. To my surprise, I never expect this sort of conflict happen to me today.

The developing prospect of sport or industry depends on a well-organized system and so does the defense in the match. In the press conference a month ago, I showed my friendliness , but some people apparently didn’t respect all Taiwan players’ basic rights. To satisfy expectation of fans, I am still willing to play for Taiwan – so long as CTFA conducts negotiation with my lawyer (i.e. qualified representative approved by FIFA).

(A) I promise to play for World Cup Qualifiers next year.
(B) From now on, I will find sponsors my own for my pay (€ 1,000 euro per game), instead of CTFA. Permit me to say that I am deeply moved by the great support from Lu and friends on the Internet. However, I will never take a dime since I have received so much love from you .
(C) Same as my teammates, our shared aspiration is to have a team with international competitiveness. The goal gives us an extra boost; I will keep looking 彤彩for good Taiwanese players overseas to make it happen.

Since my first contact, I have been deeply honored by people’s encouragement here, and Taiwan is now my second home which I’m truly in love with. To benefit the development of Taiwan’s football, I will cooperate with Sport Administration for more sponsors and the recruitment of talents overseas, which is the personal commitment I could contribute my country for its constant generosity.

From significant success of Taiwan’s basketball, we can see how football’s successful experience is replicated by other sports. This demonstrates all our efforts pay off, and thus motivates us to take challenges confidently. We still show we can defeat any decent teams while stadium is packed with fans cheering for us. That’s the magic of football, and it also reminds us the importance of correct method, which definitely leads to future success.

merci les amis Xavier CHEN

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