
美國時間2018年7月29日禮拜天,小熊與紅雀正在紅雀主場Busch Stadium進行三連戰的最初一場競賽,統一時間電視上也nba 7m正在轉播這場世仇之戰。當競賽來到8局下半,當天負責談論員事情的前大同盟球星A-維加Rod沒情由的溘然最先提起正在傷兵名單的達比修,接著火力全開的質疑達比修的傷勢與小熊球團外部的氛圍。效果當天速報即時比分競賽收場後,小熊球團與多半球迷們都感觸感染不到當天倖免被紅雀橫掃的高興,反而都把存眷放在A-Rod對達比修與小熊球團這個莫名的質疑與進擊。如下是查爾斯叔叔依據A-Rod所頒發談吐清算後大略的翻譯: “It has been a very sobering year with the debacle of the start of Yu Darvish, who has been devastating. I mean, a guy to start a six-year contract with three of the worst months you could ever see. I know he threw a 10-pitch bullpen, then a台灣 韓國 16-pitch bullpen, and then he said his arm was hurting. It has gotten so bad around — now they won’t say this publicly — but it has gotten so bad that they let him basically police and take control of his own rehab, which is scary, because they don’t want to create anything that he can kind of push back against. 可以望達到比修是個使人感覺掃興的一個投資,這個傢伙剛簽下6年的合約,前3個月卻投出使人從沒見過的為難問題。我曉得他投了10球的牛棚實習,16球的牛棚實習,然後他(達比修)說他的手臂受傷了。環境愈來愈糟糕糕,而目前他們(小熊球團)也再也不地下的接頭這件事,但環境糟糕糕到他們(小熊球團)竟然讓他(達比修)本人決定與節制他想要怎麼回复復興,這是使人驚駭的,由於他們(小熊球團)不想要創造任何能讓他(達比修)找到耽誤登板的理由。 “So he’ll let the team know when he’s ready, which, let me just tell you what that means to a clubhouse. You lose respect quickly. And my concern for him — because he’s a great young talent — is it may take two or three or four years and you may never get that back. The other side of that is Chatwood, Tyler, who actually has struggled, but has gone out there, he has posted.” 以是,他(達比修)會讓球團曉得他什麼時辰預備好了,讓我來奉告你這對隊友來說是什麼意思,那便是你很快的會掉往人人對你的尊敬。而我憂慮的是,由於他是一名年青又有後勁的,大概會必要2年、3年、4年或者甚至於永久歸不來了。這邊是如許的環境,另一邊的環境是Chatwood,Tyler是真的碰到瓶頸,但他仍是很積極不懈的下來測驗考試。接著坐閣下的另一名談論員Jessica Mendoza也聊到Tyler Chatwood,A-Rod緊接著擁護她說的。 “Exactly, Jess, [Chatwood] gets beat down, but gets back up. He takes a punch and gets back up. And you’ll never see players complain or whine about a guy like that. They actually back him. So, this is an issue that, if you’re Cubs Nation, you have to watch the Yu Darvish development because it’s not good inside that clubhouse right now. 沒錯,Chatwood固然被擊倒,但他立地站起來,而你不會望到其餘的隊友埋怨如許的球員,隊友們不但不會抱怨,還會力挺他。以是對小熊球團來說,這是一個必要被存眷的事宜,你必需注重到球員蘇息室內的成員們,關於達比修後續生長環境的反響黑白常欠好的。 公眾The problem is, and I’m pretty passionate about this, wh運彩運彩en you have 25 players coming to the stadium, you’re there to do one thing, and that’s to win a ballgame. You want all the energy, all the focus, all the analytics, all the stretching [going to] what are we going to do today to win a ballgame?

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