即時比分-雙喜臨門的 J.D. Martinez

歲首年月與紅襪殺青 1.1 億美金的重磅合約,例行勝過了近 1/3 顛末一番調整與暖機後,J.D. Martinez 上星期的顯露其實使人印象粗淺:襲擊率 0.346,五發全壘打,OPS 到達驚人的 1.414,外加八分打點,凸起的顯露獲選上週(5/14 – 5/20)美聯的「單周最好球員」。 Give it up for your AL Player of the Week, @JDMartinez14! 👏👏👏 pic.t洪幹隨人witter.com/IN3vvdFgFO — Red Sox (@RedSox) May 21, 2018 至於球隊這時候期的賽程,先是與活動家的三連戰,再來是與金鶯的四連戰,球隊終極拿下 4-3 的問題,與洋基在戰績上差距仍然不大;在失去這份殊榮的稍早,J.D. Martinez 更取得了名人堂球星「輕傷害」Frank Thomas 的鼎力貶責。 The top 5 hitters in baseball since the start of 2017 according to @TheBigHurt_35:
– @RedSox DH J. D. Martinez
– @Yankees OF Aaron Judge
– @Angels OF Mike Trout
– @astros 2B Jose Altuve
– @Rockies OF Charlie Blackmon pic.twitter.com/6dSQjN2cVr — FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) May 18, 2018 生活全壘打數為 521 的 Frank Thomas 在節目上列出自 2017 賽季迄今最良好的五位打者:客歲國聯 MVP 第五名的 Charlie Blackmon 排在第五,客歲美聯 MVP 得主 Jose Altuve 排名第四,現役最強的 Mike Trout 因傷勢僅排第三,Aaron Judge 第二,第一就是此篇主角。 “大眾It was really cool,公眾 said Martinez of Thomas’ ranking on FoxSports. “大眾My whole career, even in the offseason, everyone is kind of like, ‘Who is this guy asking for all this money? Nobody knows who this guy is.’ I’ve always been living in the shadows of Miggy in Detroit. It’s cool to get some re琳達公主cognition for it. 「這很酷,」Martinez 提到。「我的職業生活,縱然在休賽季,許多人常會質疑『要求要拿這些錢的傢伙是誰?沒人曉得這傢伙是誰。』我在底特律的顯露也被 Miguel Cabrera 的強盛顯露所疏忽,失去 Frank Thomas 的認可是很酷的一件事。」 “大眾Me and Goldy (Arizona’s Paul Goldschmidt) used to laugh about it in Arizona because whenever somebody would do something good, MLB would blow it up. They would put it on their Instagram. Put it on Twitter. Put it on MLB Network. ESPN would talk about it. Me and Goldy would be like, ‘Didn’t you do that two days ago and nobody said anything?’ We would just laugh about it. Goldy would hit three home runs a game and it would be like, ‘Oh, Goldy hit three home runs.’ But one of these other guys, it would be monuKeywordmental. That’s kind of the way it’s always been.”大眾 「在亞利桑當時,我以及 Paul Goldschmidt 常開頑笑對於某些人殺青某些造詣,MLB 想吹捧他們,他在就會被放在 Instagram,放在 Twitter,放在 MLB 官網,ESPN 會接頭他們,我以及 Paul Goldschmidt 的感到就像『你兩天前不是才做到,為何沒有人評論?』咱們會笑著av番號查詢說這些。Paul Goldschmidt 單場擊出三發全壘打,這感到就像『喔,Paul Goldschmidt 三響砲。』但換做其餘人,這是具懷ba傑ross念性的一天,一向以來都是如許。」 這與市場無關嗎?畢竟底特律與亞利桑那的這兩支球隊相較波士頓,他們市場較小。 公眾I don’t know what it is,公眾 he said. 公眾To me, baseball has their guys and they’re going to advertise them. If you’re not one of those you better walk on water. That’s what we always laughed about, saying, ‘Bro, you have to walk on water to make that show.’ It’s cool to at least get some recognition.公眾 「我不曉得,」他說。「對我而言,同盟有他們想要吹捧的人,若是你不是個中的一員,你最佳可以在水面下行走,這便是為何咱們老是笑著說『兄弟,你的亮眼顯露必需是在水面下行走。』最初才會讓人人認同你。」

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