
影片為中/英雙語字幕 記得開啟CC字幕旁觀(英譯全文在本篇文末)迎接訂閱我的 YouTube 頻道戽斗達斯DazSports職棒場上經常望到戍守專家們美技連連,不論是像前陣子實現千場出賽後風景退休的 “大眾紅龜”大眾 陳江以及的飛身撲球。又或者者是像大同盟內野教科書 Andrelton Simmons 的歸身接球,再去二壘壘包做封殺的精采美技。這些高難度的守備動作,難題之處在於他們要在很短的時間內改變身材的偏向,往接住速率飛快的小白球,這類能疾速改變身材偏向的本領,咱們稱之為迅速。要有優秀的迅速本領,個中一個特別很是緊張的前提便是要有充足的肌力,像影片中前海盜內野手 Josh Harrison 固然在二三壘間受到了夾殺,但他不絕反复著向前衝刺、煞車並改變偏向這幾個動作。在這個進程中他的雙腿必需要有充足的肌力,才能在最短的時間煞車並發生反偏向的動量,不然就極可能在個中一次的變向進程中軟腳,跌個狗吃屎。然則你若是望到這邊就最先狂練肌力,也許過了幾個月後你就會歸來投訴咱們,怎麼深蹲都做到兩倍體重了,守備時怎麼仍是以為身材重重的,守備規模甚至只有擺佈兩步,每次都眼睜睜望著小白球從面前目今飛過,千萬不要灰心,由於影響迅速本領還有一個緊張的身分,那便是反響時間。前幾個星期在大同盟的競賽中就曾經經演出兩次投手藏槍彈的戲碼,先來望望 Zack Godley 巧妙地藏開了頭部強襲球。再來望望 Colin McHugh 的駭客使命式下腰。這個動作之以是這麼傷害,便是由於球恰好從脖子閣下顛末,這裡有著特別很是大條的頸動脈,擊中的後果不勝假想。顛末研究實測,球從被棒子擊中後飛到投手丘的地位,投手約莫只有0.6秒的時間可以做出反響,而能實時做出這些閃避的動作,除了要有充足的肌力,還要有特別很是好的反響本領。反響本領又能分紅兩種,一種是有預期生理的反響,例如百米衝刺時,咱們能預期等等聽到槍聲後要立地作出起跑的動作。另外一種則是無預期性的反響,例如在棒球場上守備的球員,他們沒法預知這球是平飛球或者是滾地球,打進去以後會飛多遙,當球以飛快的速率靠近時,就要在零點零幾秒的時間內做出反響,決定要去哪一個偏向挪移,要有云云優勝的反響速率,當然不是光練肌力就有設施到達,當然還必要有特定的反響訓練要訓練無預期的反響實在很簡略,像影片中同一獅的一色優鍛練,雙手都各拿一顆球,在球員去前衝刺時,隨機拋下一顆球,這時候球員就要在球落地前改變偏向確鑿把球接起。英雄勝率又或者著可以行使一些東西幫助,像羽球國手周天造詣會使用聲光刺激往進行反響訓練,有愛好的同夥可以到木曜4超玩的頻道望望他們與周天成的一日系列喔!望望氣喘如牛的邰哥,就曉得這些訓練有素的選手反響速率有多快了。要若何曉得本人的迅速是否有在前進呢,迅速測試中有一個特別很是有名的磨練鳴做 T-test,這個測試就像圖中同樣,會將角錐擺成一個T字形,中間兩個角椎間隔10碼 台灣之星 克里夫·萊(9.14公尺),擺佈兩個則是各以及中間的角錐間隔5碼 (4.57公尺),從A角錐最先起跑並計時,去前遇到B角錐後去右側碰D角椎,接者再去左遇到C角椎,歸到B角椎後,最初再倒退跑過A角椎,並記載整趟實現的時間,必要分外注重的是進程中都必要面臨火線,也便是說在C、D角錐之間挪移時,都邑使用側併步的方式。有優秀的迅速,除了無機會做出像 Nolan Arenado 的飛撲美技外。還可以確保本人在球場上的寧靜,畢竟小白球是不長眼睛的,當它朝你過來時若是你還像芭樂劇的主角只睜大眼睛甚麼都不做的話,一定黑白常傷害的。 英譯全文: It’s not uncommon to see defensive experts show nice plays, such as diving catch by Jiang-He Chen, who just retired after finishing his 1000th game, or a backhand catch followed by in-time tag by Andrelton Simmons, who is recognized for his delicate defensive plays. The reason why these plays are difficult is that we need to re-direct our body in a short period of time to catch the ball coming our way really fast. This kind of capability is what we call “agility”. To acquire agility, one of the most important factors is muscle strength. As we see in the video, Josh Harrison, the former Pittsburgh Pirates in-fielder, repeated his sprint, brake and redirection to avoid tag-out between second and third base. In this play, enough strength of his feet is required in order to stop and generate the momentum in the opposite way, otherwise he might fall down to dirt. But you might sue us in the future if you start to do weight-lifting solely by viewing previous part of this video. You might miss lots of plays with the feeling that you’re unable to move your body or you could only move one or two steps away from where you stand before you say goodbye to the ball. Never give up, cauz there’s another factor contributing to agility, that is, reaction time. Several weeks ago, there were two cases of how the pitcher avoided the bullet coming from the home plate in the Major League games. Let’s look at how Zack Godley dodged the line drive ball coming toward his head. Take another look at Collin McHugh makes a matrix-like move, he bend down to prevent the ball from kissing in his carotid artery and causing unimaginable consequences. We could know from study that the pitcher has only roughly 0.6 second to react to the play after the ball is throttling its way from the home plate. Key factors contributing to these evasive actions are adequate muscle strength and good reaction. We could further divide such reaction into that from “rehearsed agility” such as dashing right away upon hearing the gun shot in a 100-meter race or from “reactive agility” like playing in the baseball field. One could hardly predict a ball to be a fly ball or a ground ball, not to mention calculate its distance instantly with no mistake. When the ball is coming your way, there’s little time you could decide where to move and how you’re going to react. Instead of just improving your muscle strength, there’s definitely a kind of specific reaction training required to attain to react to the stimulus spontaneously. Training how to react to “reactive agility” is quite easy. In the video, we could see the former Uni Lions coach 一色優, with his both hands holding balls, throws away the ball randomly while the player is dashing forward. The player has to accurately catch the ball with great maneuver before the ball reach to the ground. Or could train with the help of some instruments, Tien-Chen Chou, a national representative in badminton, trains his reaction to the stimulus made up by light and sound. Looking at how Chih-Yuan Tai breath in gasp could show how fast these well-trained professional players react.Check out their One Day Series in the channel MuYao4 for further information if you’re interested in this. But how to know if we are improving or not? There’s a very famous test called “T-test”, where we put four corners into a T shape with one away from the center ten yards and the re美國職棒比分st two of them away from the center five yards. We go from corner A to corner B and start timing, proceed rightwards to touch corner D, then leftwards to corner C, return to corner B, and go backwards to corner A. Timing record is jotted down. What we need to take care is we need to face to the front in the whole process, that is, we’ll take shuffle steps when moving between corner C and corner D. Only with nice maneuver could we perform nice plays such as diving catch by Nolan Arenado and make us safe in the field. After all, balls are under no control after leaving home plate. It’s pretty dangerous if you stand inert while the ball is coming your way. And that’s a wrap. If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel and share this video to sports lovers or baseball fans. Leave the comments below, let me know what kind of topics you are int臺灣運動erested in. Welcome to visit my Facebook page or Instagram for updates. Videos will be uploaded every Sunday e高雄歹過日vening 1800. Turn on the notification and you won’t miss it. I’m 跳跳, see you in the next video, bye! ===================================================================我是達斯,一名暖愛棒球的活動物理醫治師,評論種種活動危險與晉升活動顯露的方式。喜歡這部影片記得按讚而且訂閱我的頻道戽斗達斯DazSports,把影片分享給身旁愛活動或者是喜歡棒球的同夥,也能夠鄙人方留言奉告我你們想聽的主題,想曉得更多即時資訊迎接到我的FB粉專達斯的棒球視角或者是IGdaz_sports走走,咱們每週日晚上六點定時發布影片,只需開啟小鈴鐺按鈕就不會錯過囉!我是達斯,咱們下部影片再會啦掰掰!===================================================================圖片泉源:google.com

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